Monday, November 17, 2008

I Know Chipotle's a Chain...

...but it's so damn good!

My hubby and I walk in for lunch and decide to split a Burrito Bowl (less messy option by far). My absolute favorite combination is:

Pinto Beans
Carnitas (fabulous braised pork)
Sauteed Peppers and Onions
Roasted Chili-Corn Salsa
Tomatillo Green Chili Salsa

Add an order of Chips and split an Iced Tea. Total: $9.60. Satisfying and extremely yummy to boot.

Chipotle. Being a chain is not always bad.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

A Vote For Tastebuds American Bistro

Yesterday was quite a day in more ways than one. Some of my descriptors include:

Exhausted – I am an election officer and spent about 19 hours manning the polls.

Excited – To see 80% of my precinct cast their votes. Hats off to the residents of Northside!

Inspired – As I welcomed and cheered many first-time voters who were enthusiastic and proud to exercise their democratic rights.

GratefulTastebuds American Bistro said yes to serving one more couple late in the evening.

Satisfied – To imbibe a delicious 2004 St. Francis Cabernet Sauvignon Sonoma County for $30.

Overwhelmed – By a $13 entrée: Cassoulet...Duck Confit & House Made Pork Sausage Baked with Bread Crumb Topping served with Warm White Bean Salad. At last duck confit! And non-crunchy beans! What a FANTASTIC dish!

Surprised – To learn that Obama carried Virginia. (and very pleased!)

Hopeful – As our nation chooses to enter a new era.

Tastebuds on Urbanspoon

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Mea Culpa and A Nod to IWICC

We went to Six Burner for Restaurant Week. We had good food, but the menu that Six Burner posted and that published was apparently a "sample menu." No duck confit to be found. In fact, no meat to be seen in any of the first course dishes. My advice - DO NOT PUBLISH A SAMPLE MENU! Fairly simple. And Six Burner had no idea that had posted it.

I apologize for spreading the false expectation that Six Burner would be offering duck confit on the menu.

And I want to give praises to I Wish I Could Cook. The post on Richmond Restaurant Week was indeed insightful. The large group of women attended that night.

I made a pact with my husband - we either donate directly to the Central Virginia Foodbank or we choose a restaurant that we have never been to and we never, ever look at the supposed menus ahead of time.