Sunday, September 30, 2007

Captain Buzzy and Libby Hill

After the Italian Festival we stopped in at Captian Buzzy's Beanery. We did not want our day to end, and we discovered that we were thirsty. As we entered we were greeted by a marvelous coffee aroma. But neither of us felt like coffee. I ordered a Limeade. This was more like a limeade extreme. Very sweet and very tart (the juice of an entire lime for the small size!). I loved it. My husband wanted an Arnold Palmer (1/2 tea and 1/2 lemon). Alas, no lemons. But the Captain's crew member suggested a Tiger Woods - 1/2 tea and 1/2 lime. A fitting substitute.

With beverages in hand we strolled over to Libby Hill Park and admired the view.

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