The cabinets that have been installed by my handyman hubby are beautiful! About 2/3's of the way finished. Because we are part of the DIY crowd (for the sake of moolah), we purchased a myriad of flat packed boxes from Ikea. And saving money can cost you in the end. For all of the "self serve" items, we were fine. Everything was in the aisles as promised. The items that had to be obtained from the stock warehouse was an entirely different experience. A humongous wait (we really think they forgot us). Everything came out piece meal and then they wanted us to sign saying we had received everything before counting it. No way, buddy. When we counted (over 80 boxes), we were missing a few boxes. We thought we had also matched up all of the stock numbers as well. We were wrong. We got more cabinet facings and not enough glass fronted doors. We also have a damaged facing. The rest of the week we will open the rest and determine what else needs to be returned/exchanged, etc.
In any case, I now have some cabinets and are already using them. Oh, joy!
Wow! They are fantabulous!
Hey Girl : Beautiful,love the color/sheen.J's been keeping me updated.If you get tired of them,just send 'em over to my house....Happy Anniversary to y'all.....OMG you're famous.Ever google this blog ?....Luv ya Bev
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